New Book and Site Updates

Posted Jan 27, 2022

So, for those of you who either don't use a javascript blocker or don't like to look at the source code for other peoples neocities sites for inspiration, all the blog posts on this site use some basic javascript to pull them out of stripped-down files to save space and (hopefully) make it so that later on I can do some fun stuff like add searchability and be able to put groups of related posts together on the same page. I wrote that insufferably long sentence so I could say that this site itself is sort of an ongoing project and I'll be making posts periodically explaining what's changed. Sometimes it might be something visible, sometimes it might be something completely behind the scenes that's only cool if you're into that sort of thing.

The blogger script is licensed under GNU Public License version 3, and you can find the latest files in this github repo.Like I said, I'm still working on these; at some point soon I'll hopefully have some new functions added that provide useful wrappers. I'm also working on a synchronization tool for making it easier to work on a site locally without having to jump through hoops or use the insanely slow "mount your site as a drive on your computer!" option that has yet to ever add a single new file I've tried to upload, but file management and packaging a python executable are both a pain in the ass so that might take a little longer. I also need someone to help me test it on Windows, so if you're interested, get in contact!

Recently I started reading Goliath by Tochi Onyebuchi. I'm about 20% of the way through it so far (page 60/~300) and it's really good. As usual, Tor publishing has pulled through for the gays; I won't spoil anything but there are gay characters and (so far) they're really well written. As an aside, if you aren't familiar with Tor publishing, you should absolutely check out, their New and Coming Soon sections are basically my reading list. I'm kinda excited to do a dissection of Goliath in an upcoming post, there's a lot to talk about with this one and I'm not even a quarter of the way through yet. A lot of the books I've been reading lately have really been making me think about discussions I had in my community college American Lit classes where we discussed "The Canon" and who decides what does and doesn't get to go in it.

I could (and kinda am? It's a long one) write an entire thing about that, but for now I'll just leave a good video that starts digging into that idea at the bottom of this post.